Thursday, December 12, 2013

YouTube copyright crackdown

Well it looks like YouTube/Google shot them self in the foot this time.  People how make videos  from video games like Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty Ghosts have found them self in some hot water so to speak.  YouTube's copyright engine has flagged thousand's video and the only thing in them is walk though and Let's Play's.  Already some video game company's such as Ubisoft Blizzard and Deep Silver have came out and said they filed no complainant about copyright material, and strongly urged to contest the claims...  Because they are not stupid like YouTube is apparently they know its free ad's for them so we make money, YouTube makes money thou ad's, and companies like Ubisoft get free advertisement and makes money.  Because on how many games have you watched and then bought because of people who do walk thoughts.  But as of right now it looks like some video games are safe but that can change on my YouTube page the Minecraft videos, RuneScape, and Kerbal Space Program are still have monetized. They don't get it if Microsoft was to start something like YouTube and be more laxed about it YouTube would be a "ghost town" with in a few weeks.  Or you can do this to now, prices have come down a lot so now it is possible for someone like me or you to do this, not on this scale but for our own videos.

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