Friday, September 27, 2013

The Steam Controller

Okay, okay, so I was way wrong about what the next announcement would be.  I just assumed that along with the Steam Machines.  But I was wrong.  When you first see it, it kinds look like ann it may be fun to play with.  Only time will tell.  For me when I kind of a controller I think more like the Xbox controller with physical joystick build in to them, not really a touch pad like thing, mostly what you would find on  laptop.  Valve is saying that this will work will all games they have in the steam store it just fools the game in to think its using a mouse and keyboard.  Having a touch screen allowing you to use certain key from the keyboard such as Quick Save, Quick load, Screen Shot, Chat Massage. Of course if you want to you can still use a keyboard and mouse if it is your choice and I can see why some may still want to.  With Steam OS going to have features that allow you to access places like YouTube(if it is not standard there will be a hack for it soon enough).  With all three of the announcements done, the will be switching tracks and share more of the specific at the Steam Universe Community Group.  Me personally I can't wait to hear more about what the Steam OS is going to bring to the table in the world of Gaming.  What are you thoughts about this?

For more information about this Click Here

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