Friday, September 27, 2013

The Steam Controller

Okay, okay, so I was way wrong about what the next announcement would be.  I just assumed that along with the Steam Machines.  But I was wrong.  When you first see it, it kinds look like ann it may be fun to play with.  Only time will tell.  For me when I kind of a controller I think more like the Xbox controller with physical joystick build in to them, not really a touch pad like thing, mostly what you would find on  laptop.  Valve is saying that this will work will all games they have in the steam store it just fools the game in to think its using a mouse and keyboard.  Having a touch screen allowing you to use certain key from the keyboard such as Quick Save, Quick load, Screen Shot, Chat Massage. Of course if you want to you can still use a keyboard and mouse if it is your choice and I can see why some may still want to.  With Steam OS going to have features that allow you to access places like YouTube(if it is not standard there will be a hack for it soon enough).  With all three of the announcements done, the will be switching tracks and share more of the specific at the Steam Universe Community Group.  Me personally I can't wait to hear more about what the Steam OS is going to bring to the table in the world of Gaming.  What are you thoughts about this?

For more information about this Click Here

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Just announced today on their website there will be a "steam box" in 2014.  Unlike the Play Stations and the Xbox there will be different consoles you can choose to fit you gaming needs.  All of which would be running the Steam OS.  Open Beat will start very soon where you can enter to receive a Steam Machine for free, but they will only ship 300 of these new consoles.  In order to be eligible to win one of these you MUST  have all the following complete by October 25,
     1. Join the Steam Universe community group
     2. Agree to the Steam Hardware Beta Terms and Conditions
     3. Make 10 Steam friends (if you haven't already)
     4. Create a public Steam Community profile (If you haven't already)
     5. Play a game using a game pad in Big Picture mode

If you are one of the lucky few to get one of these your feed back will help shape the new console and the next category of gaming machines.
In two(2) more days Steam will announce one more thing that they will be going and by looking at the picture it may just be Family sharing or streaming, or even the relase of the Steam OS(that one is unlikly but possible)
All information for the can be found here

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Monday, September 23, 2013

Steam Box coming???

Today Valve has announced that in 2014 will be a Steam OS based on Linux type architecture.  Built for the big screen and it will be free to download as a stand-alone operating system for the living room.  As of right now it is still under development, but features they are hopping to have include In-home Streaming where you can run steam on a Mac or PC and still play all of your games.  Music, TV, Movies  with this I'm thinking that we are going to see Netflix, Hulu, YouTube.  Family Sharing where this is still in Beta in the Steam program for computes, it would allow you to take turns playing a game and the player would get their own achievements and game saves.  The ever hatted by kids everywhere the Family Options pretty much sounds like a Parent Controls.  The next major new we will hear from them will be in 39 hours, 55 minutes as I'am typing this up and if the icon is anything to go by then it may be the rumored Steam Box. When the Steam OS goes live I will have a link here for you to download it.  The information can be found here

Steam OS Download

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Voyager 1 enters Interstellar Space

36 years ago NASA lunched Voyager 1 and it is the first man made object to leave the sun's gravity. Here is more information