Friday, October 3, 2014

Windows 10

     Microsoft has announced their new operating system and it breaks the number scheme we all thought they had going for a little wile... Well sort of.  For what ever unknown reason(as far as I know) they just skipped over the name Windows 9 and went with Windows 10 branding.  I saw a few rumors on why they did it from people confusing it with windows 95/98 to some reason on their Reddit page.  With all honest I wouldn't much believe what I read on Reddit regarding any big company.  I much rather read it from a source like Cnet, PCworld in the case of Microsoft.
     If you want to get a copy of Windows 10 just go to Windows Insider and sign up it is free and will only take a few minutes to do so. There are a few different ways to install Windows 10 you could nuke your old OS on install Windows 10 on top of it. Could do an upgrade or what I am trying to do is install it on a virtual machine.  I went with a virtual machine because they are super easy to set up dose not require me to have a decided computer just to run it or to partition out some of my drive.  Of course it being a preview you ARE going to have issues with the OS and it will change a lot.  One thing I will be interested to see is if you have to deal with any part of the whole metro UI crap we did with Windows 8/8.1. From what I seen online so far yes we do, but it is not nearly as bad as Windows 8.  It looks like it will be just on the start menu and I am hoping for there is an option so you can turn that off.

     After a few days of trying to get it to install on my virtual machine(vm) I was able to get it to work.  So far I think it looks pretty nice they are sill going with some live tiles on the start menu but if you want you can remove them all as of right now.  The thing I like the best right now is that they brought back the start menu that for some weird reason they deiced to do a way with in Windows 8

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Elder scrolls NDA has lifted

Today Zenmax and Bethesda have announced that the NDA for the beat testers has lifted and we can now talk about the experience of the newest edition of Elder Scrolls game.  So the next time they have a beta you can look forward to see it on Twitch tv and on YouTube. 

For my impression of the game is that it is awesome and worth the $60 and $15 monthly access fee.   When I played it they did not have part of the map done as I tried to go explore Black Marsh to see the home land of my argonian and to see the city of   Lilmoth where the Elder Scolls: Infernal City takes place.  But from the very beginning they put a story line before you and unlike the other Elder Scrolls games they even kinda tell you how you got to this point.
ESO takes place 1000 years before skyrim and almost 800 years before the events of the Oblivion crisis.   The dragon fires went out the the world plunged in to chaos,  the throne is right for the taking.  As the three pacts fight for control they are all oblivious to what is really happening .  Molag Bal is rising an army so he can come to Nirn and enslave the planet.

Elder Scrolls Online